As a lover of movies I have a surprising amount of animated movies I’d call all-time favorites. Especially the storytelling from Pixar in the last twenty-five years. As such, I thought it would be a fun post to compile my all-time favorite animated movies. The list kept growing from Top 10 to 20, to 25, where I had to cap it so the post didn’t get ridiculously long! Some I grew up watching on VHS. Others were my first drive-in movie experience. And others cemented my love for one-liners/quotable movies that I still cherish to this day. You’ll detect a theme of catchy music in the soundtrack, cleverness, and masterclass storytelling that rises to the top—especially as you draw closer to the Top 10. Anyway, without further ado, here’s my Top 25 Favorite Animated Movies of All-Time!

25. Wreck it Ralph (2012)

Clever and sweet.

24. The Lion King (1994)

Another one I love mainly due to the music and comic relief of Timon and Pumba. “Not in front of the kids!”

23. Frozen (2013)

The music and Olaf are the best parts of this smash hit.

22. The Jungle Book (1967)

My favorite part of this one is the British accented vultures and their song. “We your friends to the bitter end…”

21. Shrek (2001)

A postmodern fairytale if there ever was one. Clever and irreverent.

20. Encanto (2021)

Another movie made by the inescapable soundtrack. Also, a good look at the importance of family and how it can make-or-break children.

19. Zootopia (2016)

The sideline characters make this one, well—and the sarcastic wisecracking Fox voiced by Jason Bateman.

18. Disney’s Robin Hood (1973)

I know I sound like a broken record but I love the soundtrack to the movie with songs by Roger Miller. Grew up watching this one on VHS a lot as a kid.

17. Ratatouille (2007)

I’ve grown more fond of this one over time as I’ve gotten deeper in the world of music reviews and criticism. Didn’t like it at all when it first came out.

16. The Little Mermaid (1989)

The beginning of the golden years when it came to the soundtracks for the 90s Disney movies.

15. Aladdin (1992)

I count this as my favorite Disney movie of my formative years released between 91-99. Robin Williams shines as the manic genie. Terrific soundtrack.

14. Beauty & the Beast (1991)

Love the transformation each of the main characters go through to eventually fall in love. Gaston is a perfect foil. Again—music is a major highlight along with a great voice cast.

13. Big Hero 6 (2014)

A tremendous study in dealing with grief. A must watch for every parent and youth pastor in my opinion.

12. Toy Story 3 (2010)

A perfect close to the trilogy of movies. Emotional and bittersweet.

11. Up (2009)

One of a few Pixar movies that I get choked up watching. Every. Single. Time. How do they hit you in the feels so effectively in one simple 2 minute montage?!

10. Tangled (2010)

This one is just lots of fun with witty/fun songs. This movie ushered in a new wave of musical movies that Frozen capitalized on in a big way.

9. The Incredibles (2004)

Fantastic superhero movie that can hold up to any other in the genre, even as an animated movie.

8. Inside Out (2015)

Incredible insight into the teenage mind. Another must for parents and pastors—and very funny to boot. Probably the most innovative Pixar movie period.

7. Toy Story (1995)

The OG Pixar that started it all. I still have great affection for the origin story of these characters. Funny and sweet and groundbreaking.

6. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

It just looks so cool! A superhero origin story for a new generation. Stands up to the quality (and even exceeds in some areas) to the rest of the Marvel canon.

5. Hoodwinked (2005)

A clever story about perspective and things not always being what they seem. I see parallels to the gospel accounts—same story, four different perspectives/focuses.

4. Monsters inc. (2001)

Best ending of any Pixar/Disney movie period. So perfect.

3. The Emperor’s New Groove (2000)

Sarcasm and one-liners. Transformation from selfishness to sacrifice. I’m almost always in the mood for this one.

2. Lego Batman (2017)

Fast paced and laugh-out-loud funny. Immensely quotable, a value I hold high in my favorite movies.

1. Finding Nemo (2003)

The Gospel message is all throughout this visually stunning story—the Fathers love pursues us to the ends of the earth (and sea). It’s funny too.

How about you? Leave a comment with your favorites!

Also, here’s a few movie related posts you may also enjoy! Josh Balogh’s Top 40 at 40: Movies, Top 25 Favorite 90s Movies, 10 Must-See Movies Over 50 Years Old, What Toy Story Can Teach Us About Identity And Purpose